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January 09, 2010


It's good to see that the world is taking notice of events in Berlin & Germany, because that infamous Wall did not only divide a city and a country, but also a continent and, ultimately, the world. And, as much as the Wall symbolised this division, it was Berlin's Brandenburg Gate that, while closed and even blocked, was the symbol of the hope of overcoming this division.

It may be said that the fall of the Wall and the ensuing peaceful revolutions in Germany and elsewhere mark the END OF THE ERA OF IDEOLOGIES.

It should not be overlooked that this fourfold division wasn't merely one of territories but, above all, of people and nations. In a world where people can move unhindered and meet freely, better understanding and tolerance between nations have a chance. And, it is a chance to establish and assure a peaceful world order.

Peter C. Haesner,
Berlin - Delhi,
E: [email protected]

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