
  • George Yeo
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. Guest Columnist of BeyondSG. He is on Facebook. Readers are welcome to join his Facebook network at
  • Harold Fock
    Entrepreneur (Chief Editor of BeyondSG). Deputy CEO/CFO of a listed technology company in Asia and CEO of Foundation Capital Pte Ltd, a hedge fund based in Singapore.
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January 02, 2010


Dear Minister,

There should be no need of a Sherlock Holmes in the Romanian diplomatic hit and run case. But why is the MFA took so long and lost its teeth in that accident?

to concerned citizen:


I'm not the strongest supporter of government by any means, but we should recognise that ministers are ordinary folks in high positions.

I feel it takes Minister George Yeo a lot of courage to talk about "Sherlock Holmes" because it reveals more of him as the normal guy inside the Government Man.

Let him come out and mingle with us more. Give him a chance to relax and give ourselves more time to really know the man and his motivations. Don't be too hard and nasty when he's just giving a review on Sherlock Holmes the movie.

I already watched it and i think it was a great movie! It's not Robert Downey Jr.'s best act but still he's the best actor of the recent Golden Globe!

Luigi Hanway

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