
  • George Yeo
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. Guest Columnist of BeyondSG. He is on Facebook. Readers are welcome to join his Facebook network at
  • Harold Fock
    Entrepreneur (Chief Editor of BeyondSG). Deputy CEO/CFO of a listed technology company in Asia and CEO of Foundation Capital Pte Ltd, a hedge fund based in Singapore.
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September 22, 2008


Not to undermine this guy's enthusiasm and persistence, but in the age of the internet I'm confused why there's still the need for real-estate agents like these. It's surprising to me that most Singapore home owners haven't heard of websites like craigslist (which are completely free). The only people posting on these sites are the agents themselves!

U mean only PAP Members of Parliament do house visits?
I thought they are like hungry ghosts - only making house-to-house appearances during the Election Period. At least that's my experience of PAP Members of Parliament.

Its a great story. I liked it. Especially in the age of internet, its the personal touch that makes the difference.

Thanks for sharing this story. It is indeed inspiring.

The difference between success and failure is often the mindset - do we see the obstacles in front of us or do we look for ways to climb over the obstacles?

Are we hungry (no pun intended :-) enough to achieve our goals or the target that we set for ourselves?

Sometimes we may also be too distracted by 'get-rich-quick' opportunities and keep chasing one after another.

What we should do is to be focused and to keep at the task until we succeed - of course before we start, we should weigh the viability of whatever we are going to do embark on. But let not analysis paralyse us, sometimes we've just got to stop thinking and "Just Do It!"

Recently I shared with some friends that we must be like Forrest Gump - simple, focused and having a 'never say never' attitude and spirit. Then whether the economy is up or down, we can be as successful as we want to be.

Thank you.

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