
  • George Yeo
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September 09, 2008


When one mentions Peranakan culture, one must invariably mention Melaka and the Straits Settlement in the same breath. The almost universality of the Peranakan culture on both sides of the causeway brings to light just how close the 2 countries are in terms of heritage, and yet, from today's perspective, we are so far apart. This is the paradox of our times.

If even Singaporeans and Malaysians find difficulty to reconcile differences against a backdrop of seemingly obvious commonalities, I wld really be skeptical about the chances of success of a true ASEAN integration.

In the past, I have been asking for a clear justification for the push for integration, not because I do not know the answer, but because I wanted to hear it from the Government. Are we desperate for it? Is Singapore's survivability dependent on it? Will we be necessarily worse-off without it, or definitely better off with it? And why now?

The recent political turmoil in Malaysia and Thailand emphasises the problems that we face in the region. I just hope that Singapore does not get drawn into these problems when we become an integral member of an intergrated region. At the same time, there needs to be political will and awakening from our friends in the other ASEAN countries to realise that there is a bigger issue than just whether the Prime Minister can cook up a good meal on TV.

I hope we do not need to have to suffer a Asian-wide crisis just to have a regional leader emerge to move this region forward.


Ed: real-politik is a bummer indeed. But there are also the other economic, political & cultural realities of trade and religious networks, political alliances & patronages etc which is Southeast Asia as seen in the works of Leonard Andaya, Anthony Reid, Thongchai Winichakul etc that need to be taken into consideration. These linkages, memories & conceptions of community preceed, transcend and at times disrupt the modern nation-state.

I also believe that only history will tell whether the current political situation in Malaysia & Thailand are ‘turmoils’ or are they part of an on-going process of nation-building which is a complex business that entwines colonialism (e.g. ethnic politics in Malaysia) and modernization (e.g. democracy in Thailand). Especially more so for populations which exceed 4 million people.

And I am almost certain that the Malaysians and Thai people are politically more mature and savvy than Singaporeans like U & I can ever be, only because they have been shaped by their particular habitus & histories. And I believe that they will rise to the occasion.

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