1 Talking about the cyclone that caused so many deaths in Myanmar, an elderly lady asked: why is there so much suffering? The estimated death toll has being rising day by day. Tens of thousands have died. Many more are without homes and need immediate supplies of food, water, medicines and shelter.
2. Aid is pouring in from all over the world. The bottleneck is the damaged infrastructure which was not very good to begin with. Initially suspicious of foreign assistance, the Myanmar Government is cautiously opening its door to outside help. This is a major test for the military government. If it rises to the challenge, its standing in the eyes of the citizenry will go up. The manner in which the Chinese leadership responded to the unusually cold weather during the Chinese New Year period this year earned it widespread praise.
3. Singaporeans have been calling MFA and our embassy in Yangon to ask how they could help. Mercy Relief and Red Cross have responded quickly. I received emails from Ven Fa Zhao,Tony Chew and others offering immediate cash donations. At a luncheon talk given by Sister Angela on the work done by Catholic nuns in Myanmar, over $15,000 was raised and more money is coming in. I am sure many religious organisations, NGOs and private individuals in Singapore are also passing the hat around. It is right that we who are much better off should reach out to those who are in crying need.
George Yeo
I think it is quite timely for schools in Singapore to raise awareness about Myanmar and canvass for donations. Perhaps this is a small step towards dispeling myths about the 'hermit kingdom' when one starts to 'see' and feel for the people. Then maybe we can begin to understand its society: cultures, politics & histories a little better.
I am heartened to learn that MUIS has set-up donation boxes in mosques to raise funds for Myanmar, and I'm sure everyone else is doing their bit.
With metta.
Posted by: arthur chia | May 09, 2008 at 12:24 AM
Dear Excellency
On behalf of the unfortunate fellow Burmese who do not have access to internet and blogs, I would like to thank the kindness, and help from the citizens and the government of Singapore.
I would like to suggest that the portable salt water desalination units from Singapore will be very useful down there. There is severe drinking water shortage since all fresh water storage man made reservoirs, natural ponds were flooded with sea water. Thanks again for co-blogging this site. Thanks Harold too.
Posted by: Aung Soe | May 09, 2008 at 05:42 AM
Dear Minister Yeo,
I read with sadness and dismay your comments about the “respecting the autonomy of disaster-hit states”.
It is a grievous mistake to link the situation in China with the situation in Myanmar, because it is clear that in the former, the leaders of the state has the welfare of the people in mind. The similarity starts and stops with the natural disaster; the contrast between the governance could not be more stark, and the natural disaster in Myanmar IS turning into a “man-made catastrophe”.
Surely, in such a case when a state fails her people, we must act?
I write to you as a fellow Catholic as well as a constituent of your ward, to appeal to you to speak up at a time when (and here I borrow your words from an earlier post) “balls” and not just “brains” are needed because the victims of the cyclone desperately need this “break”.
A few friends and I have been working on a private collection of donated items to send food, medicines, blankets and clothing to a missionary friend in Myanmar. Our shipment has been blocked and I have on good authority that the leaders in Myanmar are NOT “completely on top of the situation”. Sir, please read what the dioceses in Myanmar are struggling with at: http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=12251&size=A
Please, Sir, I appeal to you to do your utmost tomorrow at your meeting with the Foreign Minister of Myanmar. This is a time when commitment to humanity and not to politics is most needed. I earnestly make this request on behalf of the starving children and the homeless families, as well as the rest of us who are helpless and outraged at the unmitigated suffering of millions.
Posted by: rimsk | May 18, 2008 at 10:12 AM
Solve Singapore fresh water issues.
We soft launched Windesal on 7th April at the CEDA forum on water in Adelaide, investment return of capital 10-12yrs-life cycle 20yrs we can do per system up to 20m liters of fresh water from the sea/ground water per day per system-although it seems most Govts want to buy our water/power under contract.
There has been much talk about climate change, but not much about where we will see its first impact.
Flooding ,Drought, water is the vector of climate change, we already have seen in recent times in many areas of Sth East Asia/Singapore/Worldwide areas where there is intense competition for water, Windesal® can sustain Singapore that will be impacted by this issue, that may suffer physically or economically from this lack of fresh water shortage.
Windesal® can deal efficiently in way to lead the greatest single issue of the 21st Century: Sustainability.
Posted by: Barrie Harrop | May 18, 2008 at 06:46 PM
Dear Sir,
I write to ask that the urgency of allowing foreign aid into Myanmar be stressed upon its government at today's ASEAN summit. It is imperative that the Myanmese junta allow foreign aid into Myanmar as soon as possible. While the rest of the world can wax lyrical about empathising with the pain and suffering the Myanmese are undergoing - the stark fact is that hundreds of individuals are dying everyday because of the lack of aid made available to them. More needs to be done at the international level, and this is an opportune chance for ASEAN to drive this point through to the Myanmese junta.
Posted by: Denise | May 19, 2008 at 08:57 AM
Dear Minister Yeo,
I read with hope the progress made with the Myanmar government at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting yesterday.
Thank you, Sir, for taking the leadership in alleviating the desperate plight of the victims of the cyclone.
Posted by: rimsk | May 20, 2008 at 08:04 AM
As long as Gen. Than Shwe is there, as long as the generals
do not open up the country, as long as they do not appreciate
transparency, as long as they do not practise accountability,
Burmese will suffer.
Forced intervention will make the complications. But if generals
are not wise and act for the interest of the citizens who are
paying their salaries, paying the uniforms they wear, then our
fate is sealed, we will one day wake up and we will see we lost
our soverign nation status.
So while you have said it right that forced intervention and aid
delivery will complicate matters, please it is time to let them
know that they have failed their own citizens dearly. Since we
do not have luxury to reach the ears of the clown Mr. Nyan Win,
please tell him that he and his miserable government is well hated
by all of us, ordinary Burmese.
Posted by: Kyaw | May 20, 2008 at 04:09 PM