
  • George Yeo
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. Guest Columnist of BeyondSG. He is on Facebook. Readers are welcome to join his Facebook network at
  • Harold Fock
    Entrepreneur (Chief Editor of BeyondSG). Deputy CEO/CFO of a listed technology company in Asia and CEO of Foundation Capital Pte Ltd, a hedge fund based in Singapore.
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January 25, 2008


Dear Minister Yeo,

Thank you for sharing your experiences at Davos. I am intrigued by your comment that some people, apparently important and powerful enough to speak at Davos who see a "leakage of power from West to East" - is there an implicit thinking behind their statement that the world had been a Western-dominated universe, and that there is essentially a East-West (ideological?) divide? And by "decoupling", do they suggest a more "inward-looking" attitude towards global phenomena such as pollution, poverty and conflict?

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