
  • George Yeo
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. Guest Columnist of BeyondSG. He is on Facebook. Readers are welcome to join his Facebook network at
  • Harold Fock
    Entrepreneur (Chief Editor of BeyondSG). Deputy CEO/CFO of a listed technology company in Asia and CEO of Foundation Capital Pte Ltd, a hedge fund based in Singapore.
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January 04, 2007



I think your candour on your blog is quite refreshing and I'm glad you still blog regularly despite the rather muted responses to your posts.

I enjoy reading about your interactions with foreign leaders and observations of the politics of different countries (maybe it's because I'm an ex-MFA FSO). In particular, I found your post about the Sunni-Shiite divide some time back quite insightful, and made reference to it in a review of Singapore's new media in 2006 that I wrote for The Online Citizen.

Best regards,

Dear Minister Yeo,

Its quite refreshing to see a person speak :)

Keep it up. Singapore can still be redeemed.

Hello Sir,

My name is Reuben, I'm 16 and I must say I was delighted when I found out that you have a blog. I simply love reading your posts and I find many of them to be very insightful.

I am planning to get a job as a Foreign Service Officer when I grow up and I was hoping if I could ask you some questions regarding the Foreign Service and the MFA. I know it is a bit over the top to ask but I would really appreciate it if you do let me ask some questions regarding your job and your ministry. So yeah, would you mind if I could ask you some questions? Perhaps you could provide me with an email address or something that is if you want to of course. You can reach me at [email protected] if you like.


Dear BG Yeo,
thank you for the kind endorsement!

Honourable Minister,

I would like to speak with you regarding your speech at UN on 24 Sep 2007 and your call for engaging the private sector and established regulatory frameworks to bring positive market forces into play.

SGS's has a programme called Chain of Custody (CoC) in relation to forest management. We are planning a half day-seminar on 25 Oct 2006 in Singapore and would like to get the companies in Singapore in the paper and print industry to participate.

I hope to get your ministry's assistance to make this seminar a starting point to bring this passion and persistence and a sense of the whole earth to effective action.

Sir, could we explore this?

Joseph Thomas
SGS International Certification Singapore
Tel: 6775 9815

Nice writing. You are on my RSS reader now so I can read more from you down the road.

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